Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-aligned Movement. Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics
Stubbs, Paul (Ed.). Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press (January 15, 2023).
Barbara Predan, Daša Tepina (Eds.), The Culture of the Non-Aligned: The Clash of Cultural and Political Narratives, Ljubljana: ALOU, 2023. DOI: 10.51938/9789612971427
Barbara Predan, "How Socialist Self-Management Contributed to the Understanding of Participation in Design", in Fedja Vukić, Iva Kostešić (eds), Lessons to Learn? Past Design Experiences and Contemporary Design Practices, Proceedings of the ICDHS 12th International Conference on Design History and Design Studies, UPI2M Books, Zagreb 2020.
Paul Stubbs,"The Emancipatory Afterlives of Non-Aligned Internationalism. What can we salvage from the Spirit of Bandung?", RLS Publication, January 2021, download link https://www.rosalux.de/en/publication/id/41631/the-emancipatory-afterlives-of-non-aligned-internationalism
Paul Stubbs, "Yugocentrism and the Study of the Non-Aligned Movement: Towards a Decolonial Historiography", History in Flux, October 2021, online open access.
Aleš Grbrič, "Kulturno in znanstveno sodelovanje neuvrščenih držav v senci političnih dilem", Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 9-28
Jure Ramšak, "Nuvrščenost, jugoslovanska diplomacija in ustvarjanje transkulturbih vez z Afriko", Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 29-44
Nadja Zgonik, "Neuvršćena umetnost. Definicija u nastajanju", Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 45-58
Daša Tepina, "Umetniška stičišča - utopija - neuvrščenost", Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 78-90
Petja Grafenauer, "Umetnost, gibanje neuvrščenih in mednarodni grafični bienale", Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 91-104
Barbara Predan, "Svetovi (nuvrščenih) skupnosti oblikovanja", Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 105-120
Mitja Velikonja, "Podobe prijateljstva. Analiza likovnih daril neuvrščenih držav predsedniku SFRJ Josipu Brozu (I del), Vpogledi 25 (2022), str. 171-188.
Stubbs, P. (2022). Exception or Model? Socialist Yugoslavia, Social Policy and the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War, Revija za socijalna politika 15, pp. 75-96.
Kolešnik, Lj. (2023). Cultural Models and Cultural Policies in Socialist Yugoslavia . In B. Žerovc, S. Horvatinčić (Eds.), Memorial Production in Socialist Yugoslavia 1945 1990. (pp. 58-91). Zaklada Igor Zabel, Archive Books.
Stubbs, P. (2023). Introduction: Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Contradictions and Contestations. In P. Stubbs (Ed.). Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries, (pp. 3-36), McGill-Queen's University Press
Stubbs, P. (2023). The Non-Aligned Movement and the new international economic and information orders : Yugoslavia, the Global South and the UN. In B. Predan, D. Tepina (Eds.), The Culture of the Non-Aligned: the clash of cultural and political narratives (pp. 21-39). University of Ljubljana Press.
Kolešnik, Lj. (2023). Practices of Yugoslav Cultural Exchange with Non-Aligned Countries. In P. Stubbs (Ed.), Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries (pp. 176-201), McGill-Queen's University Press.
Stubbs, P. (2023). Promišljanje antifašističkih internacionalizama: Bandung, Beograd, Havana. In L. Duraković (Ed.) Antifašizam. Zbornik odabranih radova s Petog međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa Socijalizam na klupi, Pula, (atr. 85-115). Zagreb: Srednja Europa.
Stubbs, P. (2023), Le 'Yougocentrisme' et l’étude du mouvement des non-alignés : vers une historiographie postcoloniale. Le non-alignement et la Yougoslave socialiste », Balkanologie [En ligne], Vol. 17 n° 2 | 2022, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2022, consulté le 18 mai 2023. URL : http:// journals.openedition.org/balkanologie/4314
DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/balkanologie.4314
Paul Stubbs (2024), Socialist Yugoslavia and Circuits of Decolonial Affinity: Social Policy, Migration, and the Non-Aligned Movement. In Petra Daňková, Robel Afeworki Abay, Nykos Xypolytas and Tanja Kleibl )Eds.). Transnational Mobility and Externalization of EU Borders Social Work, Migration Management, and Resistance (pp. 33-52). Lexington Books.
Sekelj S. & Tonković Ž. (10 Jan. 2024). ‘We all came from Soros’ Continuities and Discontinuities in the Croatian Visual Arts Scene in the 1990s and 2000s, Third Text, DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2023.2292897
Stubbs, P. (2024). Socialist Yugoslavia, Decoloniality and the Non-aligned Movement. In D. Fritz (Ed.), 20th Century Heritage, (pp. 6-19). Korčula: Grey Area.
Kolešnik, Lj. (2024).Yugoslav Art Colonies International Cultural Exchange, Cultural Diplomacy 'From Below'. In D. Fritz (Ed), 20th Century Heritage (pp. 52-65). Korčula: Grey Area.
Stubbs, P. (2024), Ausnahme oder Modell? Das sozialistische Jugoslawien, die Sozialpolitik und die Bewegung der Blockfreien Staaten während des Kalten Krieges. In N. Dörr (Ed.), Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung (pp. 229-248) . Metropol Verlag
In print
Sanja Sekelj, Constructing a Critical Situation. A Data-Based Approach to the study of Cultural Periodicals and Art Criticism. Visual Resources 2024.
Bjažić Klarin, T. (2024). Skopje post-earthquake reconstruction. A unique international exhibition of light prefabrication housing gathering East, West, and Global South in the Cold-War Era. In R. Hesse at al. (Eds.), From Conventional to Experimental: Mass Housing and Prefabrication. Leuven University Press.
Sanja Horvatinčić, Monuments on Display. Travelling Exhibitions Related to the Memory of the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Struggle in the Context of the Non-Aligned Movement, Radovi instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 2024.
Sanja Sekelj, Od kulturne suradnje s Pokretom nesvrstanih prema međunarodnoj kulturnoj suradnji Jugoslavije općenito: o radu savezne Komisije za likovnu umjetnost tijekom 1980-ih, Radovi instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 2024.
Martina Bobinac, Examining the Position of the „Other“ in Croatia's Non-European Collections in the second half of the 20th Century, Život umjetnosti 114, 2024.
Ljiljana Kolešnik, Network-based Approach to Biennials of the Global south as structural elements of the postcolonial art's conceptual infrastructure, Život umjetnosti 114.
Work in progres
Paul Stubbs, 2025. The New International Economic Order: lives and afterlives. (book manuscript, Rutledge Pub.)
Ljiljana Kolešnik, 2025, Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Across the Non-aligned Mediterranean: Yugoslavia and Multiple temporalities of African Cultures (book manuscript)
Ljiljana Kolešnik. "Decentred Circulations: Reconceptualization of Yugoslav Non-aligned Cultural Policy", paper presented at the conference Non-aligned Movement & Socialist Yugoslavia: political, cultural and economic imaginaries, Institute of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 23 - 26 February 2021.
Petja Grafenauer, Daša Tepina. "The Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts: Utopias of Non-alignment", paper presented at the conference Towards a Conjectural Political Economy of Non-Alignment and Cultural Politics, Rijeka, 27-29 September
Ljiljana Kolešnik. "Past, Present, Future: A View on Digital Humanities from the Local Perspective", keynote lecture at the conference Digital Art History - Methods, Practices, Epistemologies III Zagreb 12-14 October 2021.
Barbara Predan, "The Non-Aligned Movement as an overlooked space of potential emancipation theories«,paper presented at the conference Towards a New Paradigm of the History of Art, Design and Crafts, Barcelona, Spain, 30 November 2021.
Nadja Zgonik. "Adria Art Gallery (1967–1968), a Sales Gallery of Yugoslav Fine Arts in New York, or How Socialist Art Set Out to Conquer the Western Market", paper presented at the conference Exhibiting in Slovenia II, Ljubljana 22-23 April
Sanja Horvatinčić. "Monuments on Display. International Exhibitions of Yugoslav Memorial Production", paper presented at the conference Exhibiting in Slovenia II, April 22 to 23 2022, Ljubljana.
Tamara Bjažić Klarin. "International Appearances of Men and Women Architects of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1920s and 1930s", Exhibiting in Slovenia II, April 22 to 23 2022, Ljubljana.
Tihana Puc, Ljiljana Kolešnik, "Yugoslav Cold War practices of international cultural exchange in visual arts. Negotiating political constraints of authorial approach to curating",paper presented at the conference Art Exhibitions as Intersections in Post War Europe, Stockholm, 10-12 May 2022.
Sanja Sekelj."Model for the Analysis and Interpretation of Cultural Dynamics of the Art Field Based on Art Criticism – A Case Study from Croatia, paper presented at the conference NetGlow - Structures over Time. Relational Dynamics in European Societies and beyond, St Petersburg, 22-24 June 2022.
Paul Stubbs."Performing Non-Alignment: the 1970 Lusaka summit",paper presented at the conference Les Quatrièmes Rencontres d’Etudes Balkaniques / Balkans connectés, 30 juin - 2 juillet 2022, MuCEM - Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille
Ljiljana Kolešnik. "Artistic Culture and Yugoslav Non-aligned Cultural Policy in the 1960s and 70s", paper presented at the conference Les Quatrièmes Rencontres d’Etudes Balkaniques / Balkans connectés, 30 juin - 2 juillet 2022, MuCEM - Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille
Paul Stubbs, "Ambivalent Circuits of Decolonial Affinity: Socialist Yugoslavia, the Global South and the Non-Aligned Movement", paper presented at the conference Non-alignment on the move, City Museum Rijeka, 27-28 September 2022.
Ljiljana Kolešnik, "The position of culture in the politics of Non-alignment and the requests for “common [horizontal] cultural action”, paper presented at the conference Non-alignment on the move, City Museum Rijeka, September 27 to 28 2022.
Vlatka Lemić, "Archival perspective in the research of socio-cultural dynamics: example of GLOB_Exchange project", paper presented at the AERI - Archive Education and Research Initiative Conference, 17 July 2022.
Ljiljana Kolešnik. "International Art Colonies – Heritage of Public Diplomacy", paper presented at the conference 20th Century Heritage, July 17 to 18 2022, City Museum, Korčula.
Paul Stubbs. "Socialist Yugoslavia, Decoloniality and the Non-Aligned Movement", paper presented at the conference 20th Century Heritage, July 17 to 18 2022, City Museum, Korčula.
Tamara Bjažić Klarin. "Constructing self-managing socialism – the case of the Zagreb-based company 'Tempo'",paper presented at the conference Architecture at Work: Institutional Landscapes of Socialist Design and Construction, September 14 to 15 2022, Bauhaus University Weimar
Sanja Sekelj. "Constructing a Critical Situation”: A Data-Based Approach to the Study of Cultural Periodicals and Art Criticism", paper presented at the conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies IV National and University Library in Zagreb October 3 to 4, 2022.
Ljiljana Kolešnik, Tihana Puc."Conflicting Notions of Modernity and Cultural Policy of nonalignment Network-based Approach to Dynamics of Yugoslav Cultural Exchange in Visual Arts in the 1960s and 1970s", paper presented at the conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies IV National and University Library in Zagreb October 3 to 4, 2022.
Martina Bobinac, "Models of housing and urban restoration in Third World countries - Transfers and Adjustments . Case Study: settlement RETKOVEC as an example of urgent planning in the second half of the 20th Century". paper given in the framework of the panelu Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and NAM.Research in the Spatio-temporal Dynamics, at the V Congress of Croatian Art Historians, November 12 to 14 2022, Zagreb.
Tamara Bjažić Klarin, Architecture exhibitions of Socialist Yugoslavia in the Foreign Countries – East, West and Non-aligned Countries, paper given in the framework of the panelu Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and NAM.Research in the Spatio-temporal Dynamics, at the V Congress of Croatian Art Historians, November 12 to 14 2022, Zagreb.
Nikola Bojić, "Model of digital tool for spatio-temporal network visualizations in art historical research", paper given in the framework of the panelu Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and NAM.Research in the Spatio-temporal Dynamics, at the V Congress of Croatian Art Historians, November 12 to 14 2022, Zagreb.
Sanja Horvatinčić, "The Yugoslav Monuments in the Context of cultural exchange with the NAM", paper given in the framework of the panelu Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and NAM.Research in the Spatio-temporal Dynamics, at the V Congress of Croatian Art Historians, November 12 to 14 2022, Zagreb.
Ljiljana Kolešnik, "From Havana to Mexico City, over Algier to Dakar - Cultural exchange and the NAM", paper given in the framework of the panelu Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and NAM.Research in the Spatio-temporal Dynamics, at the V Congress of Croatian Art Historians, November 12 to 14 2022, Zagreb.
Martina Bobinac, The ‘Other’ in Zagreb’s Ethnographic Museum: the collection of World Cultures, paper given at the conference Tracing Temporalities, Unearthing Archives (COST Aaction TRACTS), April 27 to 28 2023, Berlin.
Martina Bobinca, "Reviewing the Position of the „Other” in Non- European” Collections of Croatian Museums in the Second Half of the 20th Century Using NLP", paper given at the conference 17th NOOJ Conference, May 31 – June 2 2023, Zadar, Croatia.
Kolešnik Ljiljana, "Jugoslavenske umjetničke kolonije", izlaganje na Prvom simpoziju hrvatske nacionalne platforme Novi naručitelji, October 12 to 14 2023, CKD, Zagreb.
Kolešnik Ljiljana, "Yugoslav Cultural Exchange, transnational artistic networks and Cultural Policies of NAM", paper given at the conference Conceptualisations of Yugoslav artistic Space and Policies of Yugoslavhood in art criticism of the 20th century , Museum of Yugoslavia, November 1 to 3 2023, Zagreb.
Paul Stubbs,"Socialist Yugoslavia, Non-alignment and Social Policy: From the New International Economic Order (NIEO) to Crisis", paper given at the University of Bremen Global Dynamics of Social Policy International Workshop, Economic Crises and Social Policy in the Twentieth Century, 2 December 2022, Bremen.
Paul Stubbs, Tvrtko Jakovina,"Rejuvenating Non-Alignment: the 1970 Lusaka Summit", paper given at the conference ASEEES, Panel Yugoslav Nonaligned Encounters in the Global South II: Networks and Institutions, 3 December 2023, Philadelphia.
Paul Stubbs, Decolonial Worldmaking and the Ecological Politics of Non-alignment: Contexts and Contradictions", keynote lectura at the International Conference on Degrowth, August 29 to September 2 2023, Zagreb.
Paul Stubbs, "Ambivalent Circuits of Decolonial Affinity? Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement", Utjecaj društvenih i ekonomskih reformi na jugoslavenske prakse kulturne razmjene s nesvrstanim zemljama i pitanje razvojnih potencijala kulture British International Studies Association South East Europe Section workshop, Worlding from South East Europe, 27. October, Zagreb.
Paul Stubbs, A Historical Materialist Analysis of the New International Economic Order Initiative“, presentation at the 20th Annual Historical Materialism Conference, 9-12. November.2023.
Sanja Sekelj, "Network analysis of art criticism published in four periodicals in Croatia between 1991 and 2006", Art Within Reach: Photomechanical Reproductions of Works of Art from Print to Digital, 13 July, 2023, Prague
Ljiljana Kolešnik,"Influence of the Social and Economic Reforms on Yugoslav Practices of Cultural Exchange with NAM Countries and Developmental Potentials of Culture", paper given at the GLOB-Exchange panel "Decentered Cooperation and Exchange: The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia After 1974", VI Conference Socialism at the Bench, September 28 - 30 2023, Pula.
Paul Stubbs, "And the Non-Aligned Movement: Self-Management, Self-determination and Self-Reliance in Crisis Conditions", paper given at the GLOB-Exchange panel "Decentered Cooperation and Exchange: The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia After 1974", VI Conference Socialism at the Bench, September 28 - 30 2023, Pula.
Tamara Bjažić Klarin, "Građevinska poduzeća u kontekstu društvenih reformi i kriza socijalističke Jugoslavije – slučaj zagrebačke Industrogradnje, Tehnike i Tempa", paper given at the GLOB-Exchange panel "Decentered Cooperation and Exchange: The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia After 1974", VI Conference Socialism at the Bench, September 28 - 30 2023, Pula.
Sanja Sekelj, "Structures of Yugoslav International Cultural Exchange in the 1980s", paper given at the GLOB-Exchange panel "Decentered Cooperation and Exchange: The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia After 1974", VI Conference Socialism at the Bench, September 28 - 30 2023, Pula.
International Conference Multiple Voices - Multiple Temporalities, Institute of Art History, Zagreb, 28 - 29 June 2021 (via Zoom)
Recorded live streamings of the Workshop:
Monday, 28 June podcast https://youtu.be/dHUxKipSuKI
Tuesday, 29 June podcast https://youtu.be/hJwHnevermA
Organization: Croatian GLOB_Exchange Team
International Conference Towards a Conjectural Political Economy of Non-Alignment and Cultural Politics, Rijeka, 27 - 29 September 2021 (hybrid – in-person/via Zoom)
Link to the recorded live stream of the conference:
27 September podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lcqRtJgj_Y
28 September podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SFv4Tc5ygo
29 September podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lcqRtJgj_Y
Organization: Croatian GLOB_Exchange Team
International Conference Digital Art History - Methods, Practices, Epistemologies III, Zagreb, 11-13 October 2021 (via Zoom)
Link to recorded live stream https://www.facebook.com/events/1323323358123990/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22search%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
Organization: Croatian GLOB_Exchange team
Research workshop Vizualizacija digitalne podatkovne zbirke guest lecturer Narvika Bovcon, Experimental visualizations of the WomenWriters online database
Slovenian GLOB_Exchange team (the Croatian team was not informed about the workshop)
Research Workshop Models and practices of Cold War cultural exchange. Stories from the East side of the Iron Curtain, Ljubljana, 13 April 2022, ALOU Ljubljana, (via Zoom),
Organization: Daša Tepina, Petja Grafenauer, ALOU, Slovenian GLOB_Excahnge team
Research Workshop with Aleš Gabrič, Models of Yugoslav Global Cultural Exchange in the 1960s and 1970s - Cultural and Scientific Cooperation of NAM-countries in the Shadow of Political Dilemmas, Ljubljana, 02.03.2022
Organization: Slovenian GLOB_Exchange Team (via Zoom).
Methodological Workshop, Poezija po Srebrenici? – Kulturna refleksija jugoslovanskih osemdesetih, guest Lecturer Mitja Velikonja, 1 September, 2022, ALOU Ljubljana, (via Zoom), organizacija: Barbara Predan, ALOU, Slovenian GLOB_Exchange team (via Zoom)
International Conference Digital Art History - Methodologies, Practices, Epistemologies IV, Zagreb, 3 - 4 October 2022, Institute of Art History, Zagreb; University of Zagreb University Computing Centre; Croatian National and University Library, DARIAH-HR; Keynotes: Maximilian Schich & Hubertus Khole
Organization: Croatian and Slovenian GLOBE_Exchange teams
Research Workshop with Ana Spasojević and Ana Knežević, Muzej Afričke umjetnosti - Antikolonijalni muzej i dekolonijalne muzejske prakse, 11 October 2022, Institute of Art History, Zagreb (via Zoom)
Organization: Sanja Horvatinčić, Croatian GLOB_Exchange team
Research Workshop with Chiara Bonfiglioli, WIDF and Transnational Women's Networks, 14 October 2022, Institute of Art History, Zagreb (via Zoom)
Organization: Ljiljana Kolešnik, Croatian GLOB_Exchange team
Institute of Art History, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb September - October 2023. March 2024. Organisation: Croatoan GLOB_Excgange team. Conference formatted as six successive workshops / sessions covering topics of particular interest for the project.
Workshop 1. Racialization and the Contested Cultural Policies of Non-alignment, 4 September 2023., The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (organiser Paul Stubbs)
Workshop 2. Non-alignment and New Information Order(s), 7 September 2023., The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (organiser Paul Stubbs)
Worksgop 3. Socialist Yugoslavia - "exporter" of knowledge to the Global South, 15 September 2023. association of Croatian Architects, Zagreb (organiser Tamara Bjažić Klarin)
Workshop 4. Perspectives of Digital Humanities Infrastructures, online session, 25 September 2023 (organiser Nikola Bojić)
Workshop 5. Alliances and Ruptures. The Non-aligned Movement and its Contradictions, 7 October 2023, MAZ (Women's Zagreb Antifascists Network), Zagreb (organiser Sanja Horvatinčić)
List of public archives with the description of their archival collections investigated in the course of the project, supplemented by the list of consulted online archival resources.